Remember to be Thankful

Count Your Blessings


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Have you ever had one of those days where things just seem to go wrong?  Friday was one of those days for me.  When things are going wrong we often dwell on the things that aren’t going our way.    

The busy-ness of life sometimes gets in the way of remembering to thank him for the blessings in our lives.  It’s easy to focus on the day-to- day problems instead of praising him. 

He loves us anyway, but…he wants to spend time with us, he wants us to bring our requests to him, to trust him and to remember to be thankful for his love and for the blessings that he has given us.  He gives us chance after chance and doesn’t write us off when we falter and focus on the wrong things. 

We all have blessings in our lives that we should be thanking him for …we should dwell on those blessings rather than focusing on our problems. 


Start today by counting your blessings and thanking him for those blessings.                             

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.                1 Chronicles 16:34