Be a Doer

Get Started Today


Ecclesiates 11

I had a difficult time putting pen to paper when it came writing a devotional for this week.  Everything I read in the Bible applied directly to me and I was all over the place, (which means it should be easy to come up with several ideas for future devotionals because there are a lot of areas in my life that need work).  I finally decided to share one of my immediate concerns with you.

I decided to retire at the end of the school year in June.  I loved my job, but I drove a far distance, had to get up at 5 am everyday and I was just tired.  I have some things that I would like to do, dreams I would like to chase and hobbies that I would like to pursue.  One of my fears about retirement is that I seem to be able to waste a whole day and not accomplish much, so I have started trying to keep a day planner and actually plan out my days and get some of my want to's penciled in and scheduled on my calendar.  I am trying to make productivity a habit. I am also trying to make reading my Bible a habit and writing these short devotions helps.  I know that I need to get up fairly early in the morning and get my day started and I have scriptural proof!  

I've been reading in Ecclesiates and there it was in verse 11.  I think God is telling me to get up every morning and get started; chase my dreams, make plans, schedule classes and trips!  I know I can't be the only one that struggles with actually getting started.  He wants us to spend time in The Word and spend time with Him.

Start today by getting up early and reading Ecclesiates 11 and spending some time with Him and then make a plan and get busy!

The secret of getting started is getting started.
— Mark Twain

Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, and whether both will do equally well. Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.    Ecclesiates 11:6-7