Do You Keep a Journal?

Why Keep a Prayer Journal?

Any inexpensive notebook will work great as a journal.

Any inexpensive notebook will work great as a journal.

For years I have kept a prayer journal and I have listed specific prayers and specific people to remember while praying. I think it’s important and it’s nice to be able to go back and see where and how prayers have been answered.  I had kind of gotten out of the habit of journaling and keeping up with those prayer lists.

 I have recently recommitted to journaling.  (There are some instagram friends that I think deserve some credit for my recommitment to journaling;  Rachel Schmoyer, Sarah Bramme @thiswifelife, Heather Kaufman @hmkstories, two of these ladies are writers and have reminded me of the importance of writing and Sarah reminded me that I should be praying for my husband daily). I think it’s important that we remember to pray for others daily and not just ourselves.  And I for one, sometimes need to be reminded!  We all get busy and consumed with our own lives, but God commands us to: 

 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Galations 6:2 

 Keeping a prayer journal and writing down all of those people that you promise to pray for ensures that you will actually remember to pray for them and it’s one way to help to fulfill God’s command to carry each other’s burdens.  Don’t just give those requests lip service; I think it’s easy to tell people on social media that you will pray for them and then just forget about it.  Journaling is an easy way to remind yourself.  If they are personal friends or neighbors in your area, you can do even more to ease their burdens such as:

 Cooking a meal for them

Babysitting or taking their kids to a practice or an appointment

Washing a load of clothes for them

Running an errand for them

Inviting them over for coffee and listening and be a friend (show that you care)

 There are all sorts of inexpensive ways that you can help to carry one another’s burdens, but I truly believe it begins with prayer and journaling is just my way of keeping up with that prayer list. Start your own prayer journal today!